TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


大学入試 アウトプット英単語 ⑦

2023年11月6日 公開 / 2023年12月2日更新




対象の大学レベルは国公立・早慶・MARCH 等です。



It’s not only her friends that Ms. Kinoshita is kind to. She helps (    ) needs her help.

It’s not only her friends that Ms. Kinoshita is kind to.
She helps whoever needs her help.
▸ 名詞節を導くwhoever (=anyone who)
She is kind not only to her friends but also to anyone who needs her help.
She is kind not just to her friends but to anyone who requires her assistance.


There is little, (    ) (    ), hope of his recovery.

There is little, if any, hope of his recovery.
▸ if any「たとえあるにしても」
通例little, few など名詞を否定する語と併用する
There is very little hope, if there is any at all, for his recovery.
His chances of recovery are minimal, and there may not be any hope.


He has a (    ) deal of free time, which he usually spends fishing.

He has a good [great] deal of free time, which he usually spends fishing.
▸ a good [great] deal of A〈不可算名詞〉「たくさんのA」
He has a significant amount of free time, and he typically dedicates it to fishing.
He enjoys fishing during the ample free time he has.


It is no (    ) arguing with Mary.

It is no use [good] arguing with Mary.
▸ It is no use[good] doing「…してもムダだ・意味がない」
Arguing with Mary is pointless.
There's no benefit in arguing with Mary.


Kate speaks English very fast. I’ve never heard English
(    ) so quickly.

Kate speaks English very fast. I’ve never heard English spoken so quickly.
▸ hear A done「A が~されるのを聞く」
Kate speaks English at a rapid pace. I've never heard English spoken with such speed.
Kate's English is exceptionally fast; I've never encountered such rapid speech in English.


We (    ) (    ) each other since we were children.

We have known each other since we were children.
▸ 現在を基点にそれまでの継続を現在完了で表す
原則として know 〈状態動詞〉は進行形不可
We have been acquainted with each other since our childhood.
Our acquaintance dates back to when we were children.


I highly recommended (    ) (    ) (    ) regularly to stay fit.

I highly recommended she take walks regularly to stay fit.
▸ recommend that S (should) do「S が…することを勧める」
I strongly suggested that she should take regular walks to maintain her fitness.
I encouraged her to engage in regular walks for the sake of her fitness.


We (    ) (    ) (    ) move this bookshelf.

We don’t have to move this bookshelf.
▸ don’t have to do「…する必要はない」
There is no need to relocate this bookshelf.
Moving this bookshelf is unnecessary.


He had a dream of becoming a politician even though he didn’t know how to (    ) it.

He had a dream of becoming a politician even though he didn't know how to realize it.
▸ realize A「A を実現する」
He aspired to become a politician, even though he was uncertain about how to achieve it.
He harbored a political dream, despite his lack of clarity on how to make it a reality.


My curtains (    ) with this furniture.

My curtains go with this furniture.
▸ go with A「A に似合う・調和する」(=much)
My curtains complement this furniture.
These curtains harmonize well with this furniture.


“How long did you wait?”
“(    ) six o’clock.”

“How long did you wait?”
“Until [till] six o’clock.”
▸ until [till]「…まで(ずっと)」継続した状態・動作の終了時点を表す
"How long did you wait?"
"I waited until six o'clock."


そのクラスには50 人以上の学生がいますが,そのほとんどが女子です。
There are over fifty students in the class, and they are
(    ) girls.

There are over fifty students in the class, and they are mostly girls.
▸ mostly「たいていは」は名詞の前後に置き
The class consists of more than fifty students, with the majority being girls.
Over fifty students are in the class, and the majority of them are girls.


I could not make myself (    ) in English.

I could not make myself understood in English.
▸ make oneself understood「自分の言うことを分からせる」
I failed to communicate effectively in English.
I couldn't convey my thoughts well in English.


The number of accidents (    ) (    ) steadily increasing in recent years.

The number of accidents has been steadily increasing in recent years.
▸ The number of A ― 単数扱い
A number of A は複数扱い
The frequency of accidents has been steadily rising in recent years.
Accidents have been on the rise consistently in recent years.


“How about these shoes, madam?”
“Oh, they are too large for me. Show me some (    ) (    ).”

“How about these shoes, madam?”
“Oh, they are too large for me. Show me some smaller ones.”
▸ ones は単独使用不可で,常に修飾要素を伴い,
"What about these shoes, madam?"
"They are too big for me. Could you please show me some smaller ones?"


John has offered (    ) (    ) care of my dog while I’m abroad.

John has offered to take care of my dog while I’m abroad.
▸ offer to do 「…することを申し出る」
John has volunteered to look after my dog during my absence.
John has proposed to take care of my dog while I'm out of the country.


Excuse me, I’d like to (    ) these two books. How long can I keep them?

Excuse me, I’d like to borrow these two books. How long can I keep them?
▸ borrow A「A を無料で借りる」
May I borrow these two books, please?
How long am I allowed to keep them once borrowed?


“What are you planning to do when the tests are over ?”
“I’m going to (    ) home.”

“What are you planning to do when the tests are over?”
“I’m going to go home.”
▸ 副詞の前に前置詞を置くことは不可
"What are your plans after the tests are finished?"
"I plan to return home."


“Is Sarah still single?”
“No. She’s married (    ) a doctor.”

“Is Sarah still single?”
“No. She’s married to a doctor.”
▸ be married to A「A と結婚している」
marry A「A と結婚する」(=get married)
marry は【他動詞】× marry with A
"Is Sarah still unmarried?"
"No, she's married to a doctor now."


Mr. Smith is a careless driver, (    ) (    ) a dangerous one.

Mr. Smith is a careless driver, if not a dangerous one.
▸ if not A「A ではないにしても」通例、挿入で用いる
  A には名詞,形容詞,副詞が来る
Mr. Smith is not only a careless driver but possibly a dangerous one.
Mr. Smith's driving is reckless, if not hazardous.


The plane was (    ) London in dense fog.

The plane was approaching London in dense fog.
▸ approach A「A に近づく」
【他動詞】であることに注意 × approach to A
The plane was getting closer to London amidst thick fog.
London was coming into view as the plane moved through dense fog.


その戦争が勃発したとき,ケンはイングランドに2 年間暮らしていた。
Ken (    ) (    ) in England for two years when the war broke out.

Ken had been in England for two years when the war broke out.
▸ when 節で示された過去の時点を基点として,
Ken had already spent two years in England before the war erupted.
The war started while Ken had been living in England for two years.


彼らは私の自転車の修理に対して,5,000 円を請求した。
They (    ) me 5,000yen for repairing my bicycle.

They charged me 5,000yen for repairing my bicycle.
▸ charge A B「A にB を請求する」
They billed me 5,000 yen for the bicycle repair.
The repair of my bicycle cost me 5,000 yen.


New York has a large population and (    ) (    ) (    ).

New York has a large population and so does California.
▸ 前述の肯定内容を受けて〈so+助動詞+S〉「S もまたそうだ」
New York has a significant population, and California does as well.
Both New York and California boast large populations.


She is (    ) (    ) than clever.

She is more wise than clever.
▸ 同一人物の性質の比較なのでwiser とならない
She is wiser than she is clever.
Her wisdom surpasses her cleverness.


It’s not only her friends that Ms. Kinoshita is kind to. She helps whoever needs her help.
She is kind not only to her friends but also to anyone who needs her help.
She is kind not just to her friends but to anyone who requires her assistance.

There is little, if any, hope of his recovery.
There is very little hope, if there is any at all, for his recovery.
His chances of recovery are minimal, and there may not be any hope.
Please let me know if you need alternatives for any specific sentence or if you have any other questions.

He has a good [great] deal of free time, which he usually spends fishing.
He has a significant amount of free time, and he typically dedicates it to fishing.
He enjoys fishing during the ample free time he has.

It is no use [good] arguing with Mary.
Arguing with Mary is pointless.
There's no benefit in arguing with Mary.

Kate speaks English very fast. I’ve never heard English spoken so quickly.
Kate speaks English at a rapid pace. I've never heard English spoken with such speed.
Kate's English is exceptionally fast; I've never encountered such rapid speech in English.

We have known each other since we were children.
We have been acquainted with each other since our childhood.
Our acquaintance dates back to when we were children.

I highly recommended she take walks regularly to stay fit.
I strongly suggested that she should take regular walks to maintain her fitness.
I encouraged her to engage in regular walks for the sake of her fitness.

We don’t have to move this bookshelf.
There is no need to relocate this bookshelf.
Moving this bookshelf is unnecessary.

He had a dream of becoming a politician even though he didn't know how to realize it.
He aspired to become a politician, even though he was uncertain about how to achieve it.
He harbored a political dream, despite his lack of clarity on how to make it a reality.

My curtains go with this furniture.
My curtains complement this furniture.
These curtains harmonize well with this furniture.

“How long did you wait?”
“Until [till] six o’clock.”
"How long did you wait?"
"I waited until six o'clock."

There are over fifty students in the class, and they are mostly girls.
The class consists of more than fifty students, with the majority being girls.
Over fifty students are in the class, and the majority of them are girls.

I could not make myself understood in English.
I failed to communicate effectively in English.
I couldn't convey my thoughts well in English.

The number of accidents has been steadily increasing in recent years.
The frequency of accidents has been steadily rising in recent years.
Accidents have been on the rise consistently in recent years.

“How about these shoes, madam?”
“Oh, they are too large for me. Show me some smaller ones.”
"What about these shoes, madam?"
"They are too big for me. Could you please show me some smaller ones?"

John has offered to take care of my dog while I’m abroad.
John has volunteered to look after my dog during my absence.
John has proposed to take care of my dog while I'm out of the country.

Excuse me, I’d like to borrow these two books. How long can I keep them?
May I borrow these two books, please?
How long am I allowed to keep them once borrowed?

“What are you planning to do when the tests are over?”
“I’m going to go home.”
"What are your plans after the tests are finished?"
"I plan to return home."

“Is Sarah still single?”
“No. She’s married to a doctor.”
"Is Sarah still unmarried?"
"No, she's married to a doctor now."

Mr. Smith is a careless driver, if not a dangerous one.
Mr. Smith is not only a careless driver but possibly a dangerous one.
Mr. Smith's driving is reckless, if not hazardous.
I'll continue with the alternatives for the remaining sentences:

The plane was approaching London in dense fog.
The plane was getting closer to London amidst thick fog.
London was coming into view as the plane moved through dense fog.

Ken had been in England for two years when the war broke out.
Ken had already spent two years in England before the war erupted.
The war started while Ken had been living in England for two years.

They charged me 5,000 yen for repairing my bicycle.
They billed me 5,000 yen for the bicycle repair.
The repair of my bicycle cost me 5,000 yen.

New York has a large population and so does California.
New York has a significant population, and California does as well.
Both New York and California boast large populations.

She is more wise than clever.
She is wiser than she is clever.
Her wisdom surpasses her cleverness.



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 大学入試 アウトプット英単語 ⑦

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