TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》⑩





《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 100人組手 》⑩

⑴ She cleared the boy (   ) his suspicion.
   ① up      
   ② away      
   ③ of      
   ④ off

clear A of B
◆ <除去動詞 A of B>:
 ✰ clear A of B:Bを除去してAをクリアにする
 ✰ rid A of B:Bを除去してAを解放する
 ✰ remove A of B:Bを取り除いてAを作り変える
 ✰ purge A of B:Bを一掃してAを浄化する
 ✰ cleanse A of B:Bを清めてAを整える
 ✰ deprive A of B:Bを剥奪してAを取り除く
 ✰ free A of B:Bを解放してAを自由にする
 ✰ detach A of B:Bを取り外してAから分離する
 ✰ strip A of B:Bを剥奪してAを裸にする
 ✰ eliminate A of B:Bを排除してAを消去する
◆ <抽出動詞 A from B>:
 ✰ remove B from A:AからBを取り除く
 ✰ eliminate B from A:AからBを排除する
 ✰ exclude B from A:AからBを除外する
 ✰ delete B from A:AからBを削除する
 ✰ eradicate B from A:AからBを根絶する
 ✰ expel B from A:AからBを追放する
 ✰ dislodge B from A:AからBを追い出す
 ✰ banish B from A:AからBを追放する
 ✰ abolish B from A:AからBを廃止する
 ✰ strip B from A:AからBを剥奪する
⑴ 正解 ③
She cleared the boy of his suspicion.
The boy's suspicion was absolved by her.
She acquitted the boy of his suspicion.
She exonerated the boy of his suspicion.
She vindicated the boy of his suspicion.
She relieved the boy of his suspicion.
She freed the boy from his suspicion.

⑵ She was (   ) her bag.
   ① robbed of    
   ② stole of    
   ③ robbed    
   ④ stole

<rob A of B>
 Her bag was stolen.
 She had her bag stolen.
 Someone robbed her of her bag.
⑵ 正解 ①
She was robbed of her bag.
Her bag was stolen from her.
Her bag was taken from her unlawfully.
She lost her bag due to theft.
She was deprived of her bag by robbery.
Her bag was unlawfully removed from her possession.
She was divested of her bag by theft.

⑶ He stripped (   ).
   ① paper of the wall   
   ② the wall off paper    
   ③ off paper the wall  
   ④ the wall of paper

<strip A of B>
「AからBを取り除く」(strip B off A)
⑶ 正解 ④
He stripped the wall of paper.
He removed the paper from the wall.
He peeled the paper off the wall.
He cleared the wall of paper.
He denuded the wall of paper.
He disrobed the wall of paper.
He unclothed the wall of paper.

⑷ His father was (   ) of his duties as the department manager.
   ① remove    
   ② solved    
   ③ loosened    
   ④ relieved

<relieve A of B>
<A be relieved of B>
<remove A from B>「AをBから解職する」
⑷ 正解 ④
His father was relieved of his duties as the department manager.
His father was discharged from his duties as the department manager.
His father was dismissed from his duties as the department manager.
His father was released from his duties as the department manager.
His father was let go from his duties as the department manager.
His father was removed from his duties as the department manager.
His father was sacked from his duties as the department manager.

⑸ This word is derived (   ) German.
   ① from      
   ② at      
   ③ on      
   ④ in

<derive A from B>
<A is derived from B>
⑸ 正解 ①
This word is derived from German.
This word originates from German.
This word comes from German.
This word is sourced from German.
This word has its roots in German.
This word is of German derivation.
This word is descended from German.

⑹ He couldn’t stop his father (   ) too much.
   ① to drink    
   ② drink    
   ③ of drinking    
   ④ from drinking

<S stop doing>
<S stop A from doing>
◆ 妨害動詞 A from B:
 ✰ hinder A from B:AをBから妨げる
 ✰ impede A from B:AをBから妨げる
 ✰ obstruct A from B:AをBから妨害する
 ✰ hamper A from B:AをBから妨げる
 ✰ thwart A from B:AをBから妨害する
 ✰ deter A from B:AをBから阻止する
 ✰ inhibit A from B:AをBから抑制する
 ✰ restrain A from B:AをBから制止する
 ✰ stop A from B:AをBから止める
 ✰ block A from B:AをBからブロックする
⑹ 正解 ④
He couldn’t stop his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t prevent his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t hinder his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t restrain his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t impede his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t curb his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t inhibit his father from drinking too much.

⑺ Her eyes were (   ) with tears.
   ① filled     
   ② shared     
   ③ mixed     
   ④ full

<fill A with B>
<A is filled with B>
◆<供給動詞 A with B>
 ✰ supply A with B:AをBで供給する
 ✰ furnish A with B:AをBで供給する
 ✰ provide A with B:AをBで供給する
 ✰ equip A with B:AをBで装備する
 ✰ imbue A with B:AにBを吹き込む
 ✰ infuse A with B:AにBを注入する
 ✰ load A with B:AをBで満たす
 ✰ stock A with B:AをBで補充する
 ✰ replenish A with B:AをBで補充する
 ✰ fill up A with B:AをBで満たす
⑺ 正解 ①
Her eyes were filled with tears.
Tears filled her eyes.
Tears brimmed in her eyes.
Her eyes were brimming with tears.
Her eyes welled up with tears.
Tears overflowed from her eyes.
Tears flooded her eyes.

⑻ We always (   ) the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
   ① compare   
   ② associate   
   ③ contrast    
   ④ supply

<associate A with B>「AとBを関連づける」
associates the smell of roses with happy memories
He is an associate of the company.
They are associate members of the club.
⑻ 正解 ②
We always associate the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always link the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always connect the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always relate the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always correlate the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always tie the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always identify the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.

⑼ He (   ) his life to the study of physics.
   ① devoted     
   ② preferred    
   ③ lost    
   ④ reduced

devote A to B「AをBにささげる」
prefer A to B「AをBよりも好む」
lose A to B「A(試合)でBに負ける」
reduce A to B「AをBに縮小する」
 ✰ devote time and effort:時間や労力を捧げる
 ✰ offer prayers and support:祈りや支援を捧げる
 ✰ present a gift:贈り物を捧げる
 ✰ consecrate as sacred:神聖なものとして捧げる
 ✰ make a sacrifice:犠牲を捧げる
 ✰ pledge allegiance:誓いを捧げる
 ✰ commit fully:全力を捧げる
 ✰ give one's heart:心を捧げる
 ✰ bestow honor and praise:名誉や称賛を捧げる
 ✰ devote passion and interest:情熱や関心を捧げる
⑼ 正解 ①
He devoted his life to the study of physics.
He dedicated his life to the study of physics.
He committed his life to the study of physics.
He gave his life to the study of physics.
He invested his life in the study of physics.
He sacrificed his life to the study of physics.
He consecrated his life to the study of physics.

⑽ She always substitutes (   ) for sugar.
   ① fat     
   ② maple syrup     
   ③ soy sauce     
   ④ garlic

<substitute A for B>
soy sauce「醤油」
はいずれも甘くなく, 砂糖の代用にならない。
◆ <交換動詞 A for B>
 ✰ substitute A for B:AでBを交換する
 ✰ replace A with B:AをBで置き換える
 ✰ swap A for B:AをBと交換する
 ✰ exchange A for B:AをBと交換する
 ✰ trade A for B:AをBと取引する
 ✰ switch A for B:AをBと交換する
 ✰ use A instead of B:Bの代わりにAを使用する
 ✰ trade out A for B:AをBと交換する
 ✰ switch out A for B:AをBと交換する
 ✰ replace A by/with B:AをBで置き換える
⑽ 正解 ②
She always substitute maple syrup for sugar.
She always replaces sugar with maple syrup.
She always uses maple syrup in place of sugar.
She always swaps sugar for maple syrup.
She always substitutes sugar with maple syrup.
She always exchanges sugar for maple syrup.
She always opts for maple syrup instead of sugar.



She cleared the boy of his suspicion.
The boy's suspicion was absolved by her.
She acquitted the boy of his suspicion.
She exonerated the boy of his suspicion.
She vindicated the boy of his suspicion.
She relieved the boy of his suspicion.
She freed the boy from his suspicion.


She was robbed of her bag.
Her bag was stolen from her.
Her bag was taken from her unlawfully.
She lost her bag due to theft.
She was deprived of her bag by robbery.
Her bag was unlawfully removed from her possession.
She was divested of her bag by theft.


He stripped the wall of paper.
He removed the paper from the wall.
He peeled the paper off the wall.
He cleared the wall of paper.
He denuded the wall of paper.
He disrobed the wall of paper.
He unclothed the wall of paper.


His father was relieved of his duties as the department manager.
His father was discharged from his duties as the department manager.
His father was dismissed from his duties as the department manager.
His father was released from his duties as the department manager.
His father was let go from his duties as the department manager.
His father was removed from his duties as the department manager.
His father was sacked from his duties as the department manager.


This word is derived from German.
This word originates from German.
This word comes from German.
This word is sourced from German.
This word has its roots in German.
This word is of German derivation.
This word is descended from German.


He couldn’t stop his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t prevent his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t hinder his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t restrain his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t impede his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t curb his father from drinking too much.
He couldn’t inhibit his father from drinking too much.


Her eyes were filled with tears.
Tears filled her eyes.
Tears brimmed in her eyes.
Her eyes were brimming with tears.
Her eyes welled up with tears.
Tears overflowed from her eyes.
Tears flooded her eyes.


We always associate the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always link the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always connect the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always relate the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always correlate the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always tie the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.
We always identify the name of Louis XIV with the absolute monarchy.


He devoted his life to the study of physics.
He dedicated his life to the study of physics.
He committed his life to the study of physics.
He gave his life to the study of physics.
He invested his life in the study of physics.
He sacrificed his life to the study of physics.
He consecrated his life to the study of physics.


She always substitute maple syrup for sugar.
She always replaces sugar with maple syrup.
She always uses maple syrup in place of sugar.
She always swaps sugar for maple syrup.
She always substitutes sugar with maple syrup.
She always exchanges sugar for maple syrup.
She always opts for maple syrup instead of sugar.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



TEX 二井原プロへの




TEX 二井原

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

担当TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら)


  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》⑩

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